Brand: Coldm Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Coldstream Guards, Second to None Design. This design reflects on the versatility of the Coldstream Guards, from Ceremonial to Tactical, at the drop of a hat ................... or drop of a Bearskin!©Coldstream Kit 2020O..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design was recreated from the original artwork as a memorial design in Remembrance to those that lost their lives on the 78-79 Tour of XMG.The print is WHITE so please bear this in mind when ordering your T-Shirt Colour.The most popular colours are Navy Blue and Black.©Coldstream Kit..
Brand: Coldm Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the 'Do you even lift, Bro?' Design. We've often been asked ..................... can you design something that can be worn in the Gym?Most people asked if it could have a 'Regimental Take' but not too obvious - this is the r..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the 'Do you even lift, Bro?' Design. We've often been asked ..................... can you design something that can be worn in the Gym?Most people asked if it could have a 'Regimental Take' but not too obvious - this is the r..
Brand: Irish Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the 'Do you even lift, Bro?' Design. We've often been asked ..................... can you design something that can be worn in the Gym?Most people asked if it could have a 'Regimental Take' but not too obvious - this is the r..
Brand: Scots Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the 'Do you even lift, Bro?' Design. We've often been asked ..................... can you design something that can be worn in the Gym?Most people asked if it could have a 'Regimental Take' but not too obvious - this is the r..
Brand: Welsh Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the 'Do you even lift, Bro?' Design. We've often been asked ..................... can you design something that can be worn in the Gym?Most people asked if it could have a 'Regimental Take' but not too obvious - this is the r..
Brand: Guards T-Shirts
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Egg Banjo Design. This Egg Banjo is probably the most recognised snack in the Military (and often referred to as 'The Food of Gods) .................... but why is it called an Egg Banjo?Ingredients are simple - hea..
Brand: Guards T-Shirts
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Caterham 'Crow' Design. If you walked through the gates of the 'Guards Depot' then you would certainly relate to this design.A tribute to all of us, starting at day one .................... as a 'Crow', but when tho..
Brand: Guards T-Shirts
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Guards Depot 'Crow' Design. If you walked through the gates of the 'Guards Depot' then you would certainly relate to this design.A tribute to all of us, starting at day one .................... as a 'Crow', but when..
Brand: Guards T-Shirts
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Pirbright 'Crow' Design. If you walked through the gates of the 'Guards Depot' then you would certainly relate to this design.A tribute to all of us, starting at day one .................... as a 'Crow', but when th..
Brand: Coldm Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Evolution of a Guardsman Design, this design is for the Coldstream Guards.You cannot evolve unless you are willing to change and this design shows the evolution of a Guardsman from Caveman, to Crow, to the Guardsman.We ha..