This design has been on the 'back burner' for so long ......................... I mean, come on - how can you do something to justify the infamous concoction that is known as 'Range Stew'!
For those that have served in the Military, 'Range Stew' is a couple of words that will certainly bring back memories. You're either in one of 3 boats when thinking of this edible delight.
You sailed in either ..............
[Boat 1] - 'You loved It' - these individuals were few and far between and this boat sailed with lots of room.
[Boat 2] - 'You hated it and would rather starve than touch it' - the majority of people started in this boat but many jumped ship for boat 3.
[Boat 3] - 'You would eat it, if you were famished' - this is where 'Range Stew' comes into its best. No shops, no other edible products around, you were starving and the only option was 'Range Stew', and those Range Days were long days so you needed everything you could get.
Range Stew was often served up in Norgis (Norwegian Containers), yep, the same Norgis that probably contained yesterdays 'CoffTea' (we'll talk about that one later).
It was often served with bread, only one slice though and no butter, or margarine ................ or 'LardMarg' (looked like margarine, but tasted like lard) and there was often that unmistakeable 'orange glow' to the top, a kind of misty swampy liquid-thing that fought with the ladel as it was being served.
Often accompanying 'Range Stew' was a 'Norgi' full of 'CoffTea', the liquid that looked something like Tea but tasted more like Coffee, a brilliant moral booster for someone thirsty. Those that decided on a cold beverage would be met with 'Screech' the powdered soft drink, often orange flavoured, that could take the ice of a Frozen Bedford in about 30 seconds. It was called 'Screech' because that was the sound of your lips smacking together, as if you were sucking on a couple of lemons (we have designs for CoffTea and Screech coming soon).
Now, there is apparently a great difference between 'Range Stew' and 'All In Range Stew'. Standard 'Range Stew' is as mentioned, a secret recipe cobbled together by the kitchen containing meat (something looking like meat) and vegetables. The 'All In' version was many years before this (allegedly) and it was called 'All In' because any meals missed by Troops leaving for the Ranges would be thrown into the Stew and served for Lunch (Eggs, Bacon, Broccoli, Potatoes, Spring Rolls, Spam ................. you get the idea).
So, with all that said, we wanted to create a design but there were lots of elements that needed to be reflected.
It needed more than just the words 'Range Stew' with maybe a tag-line (like others may do).
The finished design is something that took many weeks to finalise. To some, it may look like just another T-Shirt design but there are a few things to mention.
[1]. We have Vegetables, including Potatoes, Carrots and others.
[2]. We have a couple of Crows to reflect on Range Days in Training.
[3]. We have the 'Range Stew' plus the 'All In', to cover everyone.
[4]. We have 'Since 1661' which was the year when Regiments were thrown together to form the British Army.
[5]. And lastly we have a Latin Quote reading 'Non possum credere me totum edisse' which translated means 'I can't believe I ate the whole thing'.
We have this design available on a Mug, T-Shirt, Sweatshirt and Hoodie - all of which are shown as 'Related Products' below.
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