Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:By request, this design was revamped from a previous design that was created for the 1979-81 Tour of Berlin, by the 1st Bn Grenadier Guards, please see related products below for other items with this design.Other t-shirt colours are available upon request.©Coldstream Kit 2021OPTIONS AVAI..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This product features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Abbey Road Parody Creation - this version is for the Grenadier Guards.Inspired by the most famous Zebra Crossing in the World, we have revamped one of our extremely popular designs from many years ago.Each design feature..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Bearskins in Disguise Design. If you're a fan of the Grenadier Guards, but like to show your appreciation in disguise then this may be right up your street.We have a design for each of the Foot Guards (see related p..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Bearskin Egg Cup Design. Boiled Eggs, Googly Eyes, Bearskins & Buttons .................... it works perfectly.We have a design for each of the Foot Guards (see related products).©Coldstream Kit 2018OPTIONS AVAILABLE:..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Buttons in Ones Design, this version if for the Grenadier Guards. Each design shows the Regimental Capstar/Cap Badge, the Regimental Motto, plus the Year the Regiment formed.Finishing off, we have the formation of t..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Buttons in Ones Design, this version if for the Grenadier Guards. Each design shows the Regimental Capstar/Cap Badge, the Regimental Motto, plus the Year the Regiment formed.Finishing off, we have the formation of t..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Grenadier Guards, Buttons in Fours, Year of Formation Design. Each design shows to correct button spacing, the colour of Plume (if applicable), the Collar Badges and the Year of Formation for the chosen Regiment.We have a..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design was recreated from the original artwork as a memorial design in Remembrance to those that lost their lives on the 78-79 Tour of XMG.The print is WHITE so please bear this in mind when ordering your T-Shirt Colour.The most popular colours are Navy Blue and Black.©Coldstream Kit..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the 'Do you even lift, Bro?' Design. We've often been asked ..................... can you design something that can be worn in the Gym?Most people asked if it could have a 'Regimental Take' but not too obvious - this is the r..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Evolution of a Guardsman Design, this design is for the Grenadier Guards.You cannot evolve unless you are willing to change and this design shows the evolution of a Guardsman from Caveman, to Crow, to the Guardsman.We hav..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Fight Club Design - this version is for the Grenadier Guards.Each design is personalised with the Regimental Bearskin (plus plume), Formation Year and Regimental Motto.We have this design for all Foot Guards Regiments in the Hou..
Brand: Gren Gds T-Shirt
Model: TShirt
THE DESIGN:This design features an EXCLUSIVE design for ColdstreamKit with the Fighting Guards Design. This design is a retro, comic book design .................... not an endorsement of violence (it's a shame that this needs to be mentioned).We have a design for each of the Foot Guards (see ..